From Philip Ingram
PO BOX 1412
WILDOMAR, CA 92595-1412
Sophia Code Foundation
1883 W Royal Hunte Dr. Suite 200-A
Cedar City, UT 84720

Please makes checks payable to: Philip Ingram

June 7, 2024
Invoice Number
Invoice Due
June 21, 2024
Invoice Total
  1. Service

    1 x 30hr Pre-Paid Time Block towards website design, development and consultation services used in .25hr increments. Any unused portion of time will be carried over indefinitely for future use.

    Work completed:

    On 6/5/24 (0.75hr) – Time exceeded carried over from previous time block ->

    On 6/13/24 (2.5hr) – Continued working on the SCL User directory listing now working in Elementor trying to capture the user meta but found none of the widgets seems to include users as a query item, in fact, after searching the web and checking github, there really isn’t any consideration for this outside of a paid addon plugin and based on some other suggestions decided to instead create a method in which upon user update, we cross reference if they are SCLK certified, if not, we check to see if that user has a matching SCL User custom post type and if so, remove them however if they are SCL certified, we then create or update the matching custom post type with the SCL data. We can then build out the grid using the loop grid widget querying the SCL custom post type. Iterated over this enough where it is ready to test, saved file in theme folder includes.

    On 6/14/24 (5hr) – Call w/ Sirena and team via Zoom. Reviewed work w/ SCL users and showed how we now have an admin listing page and all the SCL options per User and then explained the conundrum regarding the loop grid widget and wordpress users and having to create a custom post type as the layer to serve the front end data. We also attempted to address the redirect where everything in GoDaddy appears to be set up properly but the redirect is not updating but not sure if we need to wait for propagation again. Will need to get on a call w/ GoDaddy to likely resolve this. Sirena asked if we could now do a group call where we worked on the ascended masters shop archive to create 3 groups of checkboxes that are based on product attributes such as topic, category, course level …some of which are ACF fields and others are WordPress taxonomy and worked inside the loop item builder to create a hidden list of 3 items that will be laced with the data we need for each set of checkbox filters. I added the 3 Elementor Pro forms and remove the submit functionality. I then worked on the remaining time in the call creating the logic that would allow for product items to be filtered visibly based on matching values with boxes that are checked. The ladies had to go while I continued working, will email them w/ update as it is almost ready.

    On 6/14/24 (1.5hr) – Continued working after our call to get the filter system of 3 checkbox lists working and emailed her with explanation, link and asked her to test. Also not sure if the current filter mechanism is the logic they need and emailed Sirena, for example does an item only have to match 1 checkbox or all checkboxes?

    6/15/24 ~ 6/17/24 (2hr) – Came back to test and found the logic was flawed in that each of the 3 types of checkboxes would allow for “any” checked box within it’s form to match a product for it to be included where as if you check boxes between the 3 types, they would require a product to match “all”  checked boxes across all groups. Started reworking logic so that it works where “any” checkbox value matching any of the products attributes but kept continually running into errors where one set of checkboxes would override another and ultimately reworked the code to class all checkboxes into one group and iterate it so that any product matching any of the checked boxes are revealed.

    On 6/17/24 (3.5hr) – Call w/ Sirena via Skype, reviewed work completed about an hour prior to the call where the checked boxes filter any product matching any of the checked boxes. Sirena then realized they would like it where the filter only shows products where their attributes match “all” checkboxes and worked through the logic keeping the original “any” logic in tact in case we need it or decide to allow toggling of it, and worked to fix another flaw discovered in that it would work if only 1 checkbox per type were checked but if more than it would hide everything. Worked through the logic and finalized after thorough testing, still needs tablet/mobile styling. Updated site and copied to production. Updated production plugins and prepared to test product purchase but found issues still w/ cart -> checkout link, tried troubleshooting but will need to see if it still exists after finishing our cart and checkout pages. Was able to bypass the issue, clear the logs and test shortly after our call and I confirmed via logs, DM dashboard and email that everything worked as desired, even removal from all DM groups upon refund. Let Sirena know via Skype.

    On 6/19/24 (.75hr) – Worked on GoDaddy redirect issue where the domain is still going to a 404 page instead of and removed a cname record that was also pointing to this domain because at this point this feels like an issue w/ GoDaddy and not with DNS propagation.

    On 6/20/24 (2hr) – Checked in w/ Sirena via Skype. Updated a couple plugins on both the dev and foundation sites. Checked back in on the GoDaddy redirect issue, still not working, after trying a few things – ie doing it all over again, finally decided to call in to GoDaddy and work w/ support. After calling in and waiting in the queue I realized they would need for me to give them the account pin of which I was not able to access with KR’s verification and of whom was not available at the time. Sirena will work on getting me the pin.

    On 6/20/24 (.5hr) – Received pin from Sirena and logged in to GoDaddy and called in to open a ticket and decided to clear browser cache and try the site again and found the redirect is working both on desktop and on mobile. I tested from several other devices as well and reported back to Sirena via Skype.

    On 6/24/24 (1.75hr) – Sirena reported issue where WooCommerce orders for virtual products were not completing but rather being stuck in processing, after a quick research on the web for WC I learned that WC only autocompletes orders when all products are both virtual AND downloadable. I then quickly found some code snippets I turned into a feature plugin and tested on the dev site then the production after updating plugins, themes and core on both then reported back to Sirena via email.

    On 6/25/24 (3.5hr) – Jumped on site and started updating plugins on both dev and productions prior to the Skype call w/ Sirena. We discussed work that had completely recently and reviews the redirect is all good. We prepared to push from production to staging but first we decided to work on the SCL user import where Sirena shared a spreadsheet they had prepared. I worked w/ Google docs to filter and format the data into an importable CSV, starting with single records to test with, adjusting the code after each test and learning there is no easy way to import everything in one snap, instead we will have to process about 4 records at a time due to having to manually download each profile image, some of which are links to the WordPress custom post for that SCL user and not actually the image url and others having to be resized and then uploaded to the foundation site where each image url is then updated back in the spreadsheet and then the import will properly assign the image to the new user upon import. However the individual events will need to be manually added to each user after the import is complete. Stayed on our call and kept working importing approx. a dozen more SCL users to the foundation site.

    On 6/26/24 (4.75hr) – Continued working on the SCL spreadsheet and finished updating approx. 40 user records profile image via download, upload and updating the url field and then imported all users and removed any duplicate images pulled in. Verified 51 total SCL users. Gave the one user w/out a profile image a generic SCL photo. Updated staging site plugins and took backup of staging site in cloudways 6-26-24 @ 2:15p (21:16:29 UTC). Worked on fine tuning a function I had already started working on to pass a user id and if the user is found to be scl certified it then checks to see if a matching scl custom post type has a custom field that matches the user id and if so it updates the same scl custom fields for that post as is contained in the user record and if no matching scl custom post is found for the user we create one and do the same, finally if the user is not scl certified we check to ensure if this was recently revoked, if a matching scl custom post for the user id is found, we delete the post as the user is no longer SCL certified or wanting to be listed. I tested this with a single user id and found many errors and adjusted each until it worked perfectly and then I executed it against all scl user ids and verified all the new custom scl post types created. I then copied the theme and all the files to production and did the same, updating all SCL users and then syncing them with their matching scl custom post type which we will use for the front end directory.

    On 6/28/24 (.5hr) – Logged in and performed backups of most recent plugin/theme file custom code work, will need to process updates and connect w/ Sirena to determine best method to get sites in sync again.

    Time remaining: 0hr (1hr surplus carried over to new block –

Subtotal $1,500.00
Total $1,500.00
Payments $1,500.00
Balance $0.00



Thank you.  We appreciate your business!

Status Update
June 7, 2024 @ 3:55 pm

Status changed: Draft to Pending.

June 14, 2024 @ 2:01 pm

PayPal EC
Payment Total: $1,500.00

Status Update
June 14, 2024 @ 2:01 pm

Status changed: Pending to Paid.

June 17, 2024 @ 7:29 pm

Invoice updated by Tellatek Support.

June 17, 2024 @ 7:29 pm

Invoice updated by Tellatek Support.

June 26, 2024 @ 9:17 am

Invoice updated by Tellatek Support.

Status Update
June 26, 2024 @ 9:17 am

Status changed: Pending to Paid.

June 26, 2024 @ 9:17 am

Invoice updated by Tellatek Support.

June 26, 2024 @ 4:42 pm

Invoice updated by Tellatek Support.

June 26, 2024 @ 4:42 pm

Invoice updated by Tellatek Support.

July 2, 2024 @ 7:18 pm

Invoice updated by Tellatek Support.

July 2, 2024 @ 7:18 pm

Invoice updated by Tellatek Support.

July 2, 2024 @ 7:23 pm

Invoice updated by Tellatek Support.

July 2, 2024 @ 7:23 pm

Invoice updated by Tellatek Support.