From Philip Ingram
PO BOX 1412
WILDOMAR, CA 92595-1412
Ryan Tunstall
5554 Arnold Palmer Drive #616
Orlanda, FL 32811

Please makes checks payable to: Philip Ingram

September 12, 2022
Invoice Number
Invoice Due
September 26, 2022
Invoice Total
  1. Service

    1 x 10hr Pre-Paid Time Block towards website design, development and consultation services used in .25hr increments. Any unused portion of time will be carried over indefinitely for future use.

    Work completed:

    On 9/12/22 (1hr) – Phone call w/ Ryan to assist w/ his portfolio site which went down during updates. We found it was Elementor Pro being so old and when Elementor was updated it caused a fatal error so we had to download fresh copies of both and manually update via file manager.  He’d also like some help with a weird quirk on ios devices, we’ll connect tomorrow.

    On 9/13/22 (2hr) – Connected w/ Ryan via Skype and worked w/ him for about 2 hours changing the background image to his hero section and overlaying some code over a universe w/ some planets and then moved on to tackling the ios bug where overlapping animated layers using 3d transforms flicker on different z-axis planes.  I left for dinner but will tackle this offline.

    On 9/13/22 (1.5hr) – Came back and tried a few ‘tricks’ suggested online but none seemed to work.  I then build a separate sandbox using jsfiddle so as to remove all unnecessary code and hush the debug environment.  It didn’t take long for me to make an html only version but it too had the same issue. I tried all sorts of variations until I finally realized it was due to these layers being “siblings” that was causing all the issue and after about 150 code iterations I finally figured out a way to bypass the bug by wrapping each of the animated layers in it’s own wrapper which would retain the zed index while the single child element within it was animated.  I swapped out the original image using psuedo elements w/ an html element and coded it w/ 3 layers inside 3 wrappers and then adjusted code to make it work in tablet and mobile and then Skype Ryan it was complete.

    On 10/5/22 (3hr) – Worked w/ Ryan to review and assist with his sports team projects where we first removed a lot of unnecessary plugins and then built out the 3 part header using the new container method and then built a basic page pasting in each of the different short codes offered for the sports, teams, player stats and worked to style them via custom css.

    On 10/6/22 (.25hr) – Jumped on a call w/ Ryan to review what he had built so far and discussed some of the css, for example how it can be used per widget or applied to the page template or even inside the child theme. Ryan would like me to find several different types of example sites for examples of team, player and league stats, etc.

    On 10/19/22 (1hr) – Started looking for NBA and basketball team websites and found that all NBA teams have a matching site via so I started looking at some club sites via news orgs such as ESPN, MSNBC, Fox, Yahoo, etc. as well as the Themeboy showcase sites, I had approx. 2 dozen sites listed, went to save and it went to 404 so rather than go through my browser history now I’ll do this real time with Ryan on our call.

    Time remaining: 1.25hr remaining

Subtotal $600.00
Total $600.00



Thank you.  We appreciate your business!

Status Update
September 14, 2022 @ 11:05 am

Status changed: Draft to Pending.

October 10, 2022 @ 3:58 pm

Invoice updated by Tellatek Support.

October 20, 2022 @ 10:38 am

Invoice updated by Tellatek Support.

October 20, 2022 @ 10:38 am

Invoice updated by Tellatek Support.